5 MORE Damn Good Reasons to Visit Jaco, Costa Rica for Your Bachelor Party

Why is Playa Jaco, Costa Rica the ideal destination for your bachelor party? In part one of this blog, we outlined 5 damn good reasons that’s the case, and in this blog we’ll point out 5 more damn good reasons Jaco is where it’s at for a bachelor weekend escape!

It’s easy to get a Hall Pass from the girlfriends and wives.

“Honey, I’m going to Vegas for the weekend to drink like I was still in college, act like a complete jackass, and do unspeakable things with any woman who’s willing, even if they violate the laws of man and nature.” If you’re going to be honest with your wife/girlfriend/main squeeze, you might say something like that. Instead, you’ll have to “sell” them on the fact that you’re going away for an innocent boy’s bachelor party weekend that won’t be rated above PG13. Lucky for you, Costa Rica is the perfect place to do just that. Beaches? Check. Fishing? Check. Nature? Check. Culture? Check. Trust me when I tell you that it’s WAY easier to get your gal to sign off on a trip to Costa Rica than just about any other popular bachelor party destination with a scandalous reputation.

The nature is WILD!

The best part is that you’re not lying to her – Costa Rica does have some of the most amazing nature and diverse wildlife on the planet. In fact, there are over 130 species of fish, 220 of reptiles, 1,000 butterflies, 9,000 plants, 20,000 species of spiders and 34,000 species of insects in Costa Rica, which represents 5% of the world’s biodiversity even though it is just about .03% of the earth’s total landmass. From sloths to turtles, monkeys to lizards, dolphins to exotic birds, Costa Rica will be a truly legendary place to bond with the fellas for a bachelor’s weekend!

But the nightlife is WILDER!

All of that is great, but man cannot live on monkeys alone. So it’s pretty damn convenient that Costa Rica also has the wildest nightlife you’ll ever experience. If you like beautiful, alluring and, frankly, horned up Latinas, come check out Playa Jaco. Since prostitution is perfectly legal (they even have unions and membership cards), you’re doing nothing wrong by hanging out and partying with these devilish angels. In fact, I PROMISE you that you’ll feel like a piece of meat by the time you leave Costa Rica – with a huge smile on your face! But aside from the insane mamacitas, there are also plenty of clubs, beach bars, live music, and other entertaining ways to spend every night in Jaco.

Great food, great booze, and all the finer things for the fellas.

Even if you don’t want to succumb to the temptations of the fairer sex and play this one straight, Jaco is still the best place to throw a bachelor party. For a small beach town, there are a surprising number of first-class restaurants with renowned chefs from all over the world, casinos and card games for the gents, UFC fights and all of the US sports (and hockey, too for you Loonies) on the big screen. You can play eighteen holes during the day and then indulge in top-shelf Costa Rican rum and even Cuban cigars while watching the best sunset you’ve ever witnessed. You’ll never feel more THE MAN than during your stay at Playa Jaco in Costa Rica – and all for about half the cost of played-out Vegas.

Relax on a warm sandy beach and come back tan and refreshed.

Have you ever seen dudes at work Monday morning after a bachelor party weekend? They look THRASHED! But when you get your ass back from Jaco, Costa Rica (albeit reluctantly), you’ll have that well-tanned, relaxed glow that will make your coworkers jealous. Seriously, Costa Rica has some of the best beaches, jaw-dropping jungle coastlines, and majestic natural parks in the world – all doable in a weekend in and around Playa Jaco. Hell, you’ll even get to surf on your bachelor party – how epic is that? The photo of you and your best bros holding your boards on the beach will adorn your office wall as long as you live (or until you get fired.) So the only question remains, who’s getting married next so we can all go down to Costa Rica for a bachelor party again?!

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